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Child Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ)
Please visit this website for more information about the instrument: Child Health Assessment Questionnaire


For information and permission to use, please contact Dr. Singh at:
Exploratory: Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Short Description of Instrument
Adapted from the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire. Assesses four outcome dimensions: disability, discomfort and pain, drug side effects, and dollar costs. Only sections on disability and discomfort and pain have been adapted for use in children. Developed for use in multiple illnesses, so effects of different disease processes could be compared. Primarily used in Rheumatoid Arthritis, HIV-AIDS, normal aging.
The eight categories are: dressing and grooming, arising, eating, walking, hygiene, reach, grip, and activities. For each of these categories, parents are asked to record the amount of difficulty their child may have. Questions are scored from a score of 0 (without difficulty) to 3 (unable to do). The highest score for any component  question determines the score for that category. The index is calculated by adding the scores for each of the categories and dividing by the number of categories answered. This gives a score in the 0 to 3.0 range.
Not specific to children with CP. Has been used with a number of other patient population groups that can be used as a comparative group. Has face and content validity in comparison with other instruments in multiple disease conditions. Construct, convergent, predictive validity, and sensitivity to change have been established in both observational studies and clinical trials.
Key References:
Singh G, Athreya BH, Fries JF, Goldsmith DP. Measurement of health status in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 1994;37(12):1761-1769.
Lam C, Young N, Marwaha J, McLimont M, Feldman BM. Revised versions of the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) are more sensitive and suffer less from a ceiling effect. Arthritis Rheum. 2004;51(6):881-889.
Other References:
Geerdink LM, Prince FH, Looman CW, van Suijlekom-Smit LW. Development of a digital Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire for systematic monitoring of disease activity in daily practice. Rheumatol. (Oxford, England). 2009;48(8):958-963.
Morales NM, Funayama CA, Rangel VO, Frontarolli AC, Araujo RR, Pinto RM, Rezende CH, Silva CH. Psychometric properties of the Child Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) applied to children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2008;6:109.
Pouchot J, Ecosse E, Coste J, Guillemin F. Validity of the childhood health assessment questionnaire is independent of age in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2004;51(4):519-526.
Ruperto N, Ravelli A, Pistorio A, Malattia C, Cavuto S, Gado-West L, Tortorelli A, Landgraf JM, Singh G, Martini A. Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) and the Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) in 32 countries. Review of the general methodology. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2001;19(4 Suppl 23):S1-S9.
Selvaag AM, Flato B, Lien G, Sorskaar D, Vinje O, Forre O. Measuring health status in early juvenile idiopathic arthritis: determinants and responsiveness of the child health questionnaire. J Rheumatol. 2003;30(7):1602-1610.


Document last updated February 2018